We’re leaving the country, but to where? Who’s going? Are we FIRE, or is this something different? How did we get here, anyway?

Massive News: We’re Moving Abroad!

I Traded Income for Flexibility & Regret Nothing
How much would I have to pay you to write off your relationship with your spouse or significant other? How much is enough for you to accept missing your child’s first steps, first laugh, or first word? What would it cost for you to miss the last moments of a pet or loved one? If you can put a price on any of those things, you have lost your way.

Teaching Personal Finance to Newborns
Is it possible to teach personal finance to newborns? How do you instill the values of time and experiences over possessions to someone who can’t roll over?

September 2017 Financial Statement
This would be a slightly depressing net worth post were it not for a new way of reckoning our progress towards FIRE!

It’s Okay to Ditch a Bad Investment
In the Financial Independence community, we have a dogged devotion to our investments. “Buy constantly and never sell,” and “you only lose money when you sell” are common refrains. When, then, is it acceptable to sell a bad investment? Should we hold onto investments which are objectively terrible, too?

August 2017 Financial Statement
I just wish we could share the amazing progress made toward huge life goals this month, but you will have to wait a while longer on that! In the meantime, our net worth increased modestly in July and August, primarily because we adjusted rental property assessments down.

On Having the Courage to Live
A popular quote by Mark Twain says that “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” That has never been more true.

The Point of Retirement Inevitability
There’s a milestone on the path to financial independence that, for most people, goes unnoticed. I call it the Point of Retirement Inevitability.

June 2017 Financial Statement
We saw some financial setbacks in May and June which resulted in our net worth creeping up fairly slowly. We spent tons of money– some optional, some not. Find out where the baby-related hole in the boat was the past two months!

New Life and the Urgent Quest for Freedom
How does bringing a new life into the world make our desire for financial independence an even more urgent quest? We chart our new course and begin our new adventure!