Let’s check out five cool places that you can retire comfortably for $879 a month, far below what many Americans receive for Social Security.

Let’s check out five cool places that you can retire comfortably for $879 a month, far below what many Americans receive for Social Security.
Many retirees dismiss Europe as a possibility because of a perception that it’s simply too expensive. While there there are many European countries with high costs of living, Spain is not among them, and a fulfilling and cosmopolitan life is possible on a very modest budget.
Five places to retire in France. From the Alps to the sunny south, France can be an affordable retirement location for everyone.
The Retire Abroad series inspired me to build a special tool for the FIRE community: The Earth Awaits. It’s a tool made to build you budgets for hundreds of cities worldwide, taking your family size, budget, housing needs, and a…